Summer is coming to an end and Autumn is just around the corner. Did you manage to spend some time in the sun this season? Perhaps you went away on holiday, or enjoyed some great days out with the kids. Whatever you got up to, chances are during the summer months you spent a little more time outside of the house than usual. This is great for our vitamin D levels, but perhaps not so great for our carpets.
Being out and about a bit more, visiting parks, going for walks and such, is inevitably going to lead to more dirt getting into our homes. The difference might not be visually quite so dramatic, but our carpets can harbour all sorts of nasty things if left uncleaned. When was the last time you had a professional clean yours? If it’s been longer than 6 months, this could be the perfect time to get them seen to, so you can enjoy spotless and healthier carpets throughout Autumn and Winter. Lets take a look at 3 reasons why September is the perfect time to book a professional carpet clean.
In the words of Roy Ayers “everybody loves the sunshine”, but for hay fever sufferers sunshine also means dry eyes, congestion and other unpleasant things. Everybody apart from those with hay fever, perhaps Roy? One of the consequences of being out and about more is that pollen gets transferred on our clothes, belonging, pets, and children to our carpets. Tiny bits of pollen find the perfect home in the twisted and cosy fibres of a carpet. Once in the home, they sit there in the carpet until they’re disturbed by movement, when they dutifully cause an allergic reaction in those unlucky enough to be nearby.
With the summer coming to a close, September is the perfect time to book a professional carpet clean to get rid of that pollen once and for all. Vacuum cleaning isn’t going to cut it, professional gear uses heat and pressurised moisture to fully extract dust a dirt from a carpet, reaching far deeper than standard domestic kit, even fancy brands like Dyson. This is really the only way to get rid of those nasty allergens once and for all.
The kids are back at school
With the kids now back at school, the house could well be a little calmer. With the kids around a little less, September is the perfect time to reset the clock on the carpet cleaning. When the toys and colouring books are out, they seem to have a way of getting everywhere, especially into the carpet and on the soft furnishings. Pencils, crayons and felt tips pens can all add up to create a carpet that barely resembles its former self. The good news is you’re not stuck with it, the heat, moisture and pressure of professional carpet cleaning gear is usually tough enough to get rid of all of these marks and leave you carpet looking great again.
The days aren’t short just yet
Not many us will be looking forward to the clocks going back, but that’s not happening just yet. Since we’ve still got a few more weeks of longer days ahead us, why not take the opportunity to spruce up your carpets whilst they’re still enjoying a bit of Autumn sun. Clean, fresh carpets have a way of perking a home up, so make the most of the tail end of summer before we reach hibernation season.
Bonus carpet cleaning tip – Don’t try to do it yourself
The hazardous practise of trying to clean carpets without the right equipment has been covered in previous blogs. The warning is worth repeating at the end of summer because a lot of people tend to have a go at scrubbing away the kid’s pen marks and the pet’s paw prints themselves. It’s almost always a waste of time, money and effort. Carpet detergent needs to be properly extracted from a carpet in order to remove it completely and this is impossible without professional gear. What happens if it isn’t properly extracted? As many unlucky would-be carpet cleaners have found out, that sticky soap is a magnet for dirt, any hair and dust sticks fast to it and leaves the carpet looking even worse that before. Of course, a professional carpet clean will remove all traces of this, so don’t panic if you’ve found yourself in this position.
Fancy getting a professional clean for your carpets this Autumn? Try out great value service, out customers are always impressed with the fantastic results we deliver.