Had a call from a customer recently who sounded rather desperate, he had been out at the weekend visiting a local DIY store in Southend, on the way out of the store he noticed an advert for carpet cleaning hire, you know the famous or should i say infamous Rug Doctor. to cut a long story short he decided to hire the machine and use it to clean the carpets in his flat over the weekend.
On the following Monday morning i got a call from this customer who explained that he had used this hire machine but the results were less than satisfactory, It had left dirty streaks where the machine had been pushed along the carpet, the customer wanted to know if i could rectify the problem and this had to be done today as a new sofa was arriving later that day, this was the reason for having the carpets done so it all looked nice new sofa and clean carpet.
I arranged to call in and have a look to see what the problem was but may be hard pushed to fit it in that day as i already had two jobs booked in and i had to be home for early evening as this day was my Birthday and i had family coming round for a meal, on the way i got another call from the customer saying that the carpets were “.ucked” and nothing could be done, i explained that if he didn’t mind could i still pop in between jobs to have a look for myself. When i arrived to take a look the carpet was in a very bad was, as described it had tram lines where the machine had “cleaned” these lines were clearly dirt, i arranged to come around later that afternoon and rectify the problem, the customer was very disappointed with the results of hiring that machine and said that the way the thing was advertised and the claims made it was all hype and not what he expected, i explained that those machines are little more than toys, little better than a VAX that you can buy from a high street store, and that professional industrial machines are many times more powerful.
I am happy to say that after i had cleaned the carpets the customer was absolutely delighted with the results and relieved that he did not have to replace the carpets, he added that he would be writing to “Rugdoctor for a refund for the cost of hiring the machine that caused the soiling to his carpet.and i finished in time for my Birthday meal, everyone was happy.
I f you are thinking of hiring a machine to clean your carpets please consider that forjust a little more you can have them professionally take a look at www.roffeycleaning.com for more information or TEL 01702 33 12 35 and ask for James